We all want your visit to be safe, healthy and good fun. The farm complies with Health & Safety regulations and it is important that all supervising adults and visitors are aware of the correct Health & Safety and Behaviour Policies.
Your EVC (Educational Visits Coordinator) will ask you for a copy of the farm risk assessment which should be supplemented by your standard school risk assessments.
A pre-visit by at least one member of the school staff is preferable in order to familiarise yourself with the farm layout, facilities and potential hazards. Familiarisation courses are held every term. If you are unable to attend, or wish to discuss your planning, please telephone Nina Hatch, Centre Manager before 11 am, at lunchtime or after 3.30pm or contact us by e-mail.
Animals carry a range of micro-organisms some of which can be passed onto human (zoonoses). The risk of infection is very small, but disease caused by an infection could be very serious. We ask you to follow simple guidelines and procedures in order to minimise the risks.
The following leaflets advise teachers and others who organise farm visits on how to control the risk of infection from farm animals:
Code of Practice and Advice to Teachers and Others
Please check that any pupils that are prone to asthma attacks have brought their inhalers with them and have access to them throughout the visit. Also check on any hay fever sufferers during the summer months.
Particular attention must be given to the following:
- Everyone must wash their hands after touching the animals or areas where they may have soiled, and always before eating or drinking.
- Pupils can only eat and drink in the classroom.
- Everyone must wash their boots before changing back into their own footwear.
- Discourage children from putting their fingers in their mouths.
- Cuts and grazes should be covered with a waterproof dressing (unless we have specific medical information that a child has an allergy).
If a member of your group shows signs of illness (sickness or diarrhoea) after the visit advise their parent/carer to take them to the doctor and explain that they have had recent contact with farm animals.
Please make sure that school knows the mobile phone number of at least one of the school staff.